The Truth about Jesus : The Muslim Nation is More Worthy of Jesus Than All Others
Yahya Adel Ibrahim
All Praise is for Allah alone.
He is the Rabb of all that exists. Surely, we send the highest Salah and
Salaam upon the Final Prophet, the leader of the pious and upon his
family, companions and those who follow their example with Ih’san till
the Day of Reckoning.
One of the greatest hurdles confronting
Muslims today is a lack of knowledge about certain essential beliefs
that we as Muslims must unwaveringly adhere to. Of the most pertinent
issues facing Muslims living in localities that are heavily influenced
by western culture is how we view ‘Isa bin Maryam – Jesus the Son of
Mary – alaihis salaam (AS).
On a cyclical basis we are confronted
with different “religious” occasions that are marked by our Christian
neighbours, coworkers and acquaintances. It is paramount that we as
Muslims have a firm understanding of what he – ‘Isa (AS) represents to
us as Muslims. Whether it is Easter Monday or Christmas day, we as
Muslims should know what Islam says about the issues that are presented
to us on a regular basis.
The Muslim Nation is more Worthy of ‘Isa than all the other nations.
The one who claims that ‘Isa (AS) is
God, or that ‘Isa (AS) is the Son of God, or that God is a Trinity that
includes ‘Isa is in fact the most distant from the teachings of ‘Isa
(AS) even if he calls himself a devout Christian. Claiming love for
someone implies that you adhere to what that individual stood for and
called to. ‘Isa (AS) was never one who claimed any one of the previous
three statements for himself. In fact neither did his true followers.
For this to become clear we will analyze four main points:
- The Prophets of Allah are all Related.
- The Only accepted Deen (Religious Way of Life) is Islam.
- ‘Isa was but a humble Messenger and Prophet of Allah.
- ‘Isa distances himself from the slander and unjustified claims of Christians.
The Prophets of Allah are all related
Rasool Allah (SAW) said:
“I am the most worthy of ‘Isa bin Maryam
in this life and in the hereafter.” They (Sahabah) asked: “Why is that O
Messenger of Allah (SAW)?” He (SAW) replied: “The Prophets are paternal
(bloodline) brethren (from fathers side). Their mothers may be
different (races, peoples, bloodlines) yet their Deen is always one
(Islam).” (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim.)
Therefore this necessitates that he who
disputes the validity of one of the true Prophets and Messengers has in
fact reviled and disputed all of them. One cannot believe in Muhammad
(SAW) and not believe in ‘Isa (AS). Equally, one cannot truly believe in
‘Isa and not believe in Muhammad (SAW). To truly accept one Prophet or
Messenger necessitates the acceptance of all those who came before him
and all who will come after him, ending with Muhammad (SAW).
This concept is clearly portrayed in the
Quran. Allah (SWT) mentions the first Messenger to humanity Nuh or Noah
(AS) in the Quran. What is very interesting is that Allah (SWT) states
in Surah Al Shu’ara’ (26:105) that “The people of Nuh (Noah) rejected
the messengers.” The point of relevance is that a plural (Messengers) is
used in this ayah, yet we know that there were no Messengers sent to
his people or humanity as a matter of fact. Allah only sent Nuh (AS) to
his people and none other before him. This same concept is further
emphasized in the same Surah. Allah (SWT) says:
“The ‘Ad (people) rejected the messengers.“ [Surah Al Shu'ara' 26:123]
“The Thamud (people) rejected the messengers.” [Surah Al Shu'ara' 26:141]
“The people of Lut (Lot) rejected the messengers.” [Surah Al Shu'ara' 26:160]
We know that to each of these people only one Messenger was sent to them.
Disbelieving in one Prophet or Messenger is disbelief in all the Prophets and Messengers.
Allah (SWT) says:
“The Apostle (Muhammad)
believeth in what hath been revealed to him from his Lord, as do the men
of faith. Each one (of them) believeth in Allah, His angels, His books,
and His apostles (Messengers). “We make no distinction (they say)
between one and another of His apostles.”…” [Surah Al Baqarah 2:285]
Therefore all the Prophets and
Messengers are a fraternity of brethren through the lineage of their
fathers. Even ‘Isa (AS), who was born without a fathers’ input into the
equation of procreation is from the family of Bani Israel the descendant
of Ishaq (Isaac) son of Yaqub or Jacob (AS).
Even more important is to know that all
the Prophets called to one and the same thing – Islam. This brings us to
the second point of our analysis:
The Only accepted Deen (Religious Way of Life) is Islam
Allah (SWT) says: “The Religion before Allah is Islam (submission to His Will):…” [Surah Ali 'Imran 3:19]
All of the Prophets and Messengers came
calling to the one true faith. They all were sent with one mission. They
were selected to call people to singling out only Allah in worship and
to disavow all other gods or deities while establishing Allah (SWT)
alone as the One deserving all worship. All the Prophets and Messengers
called their respective peoples to Islam.
Nuh (AS) called to Islam:
Allah (SWT) says: “(Nuh
said) “But if ye turn back, (consider): no reward have I asked of you:
my reward is only due from Allah, and I have been commanded to be of
those who submit to Allah’s will (in Islam).”” [Surah Yunus 10:72]
Ibrahim and Yaqub or Abraham and Jacob (AS) called to Islam: Allah (SWT) says:
“And who turns away from the
religion of Ibraham but such as debase their souls with folly? Him We
chose and rendered pure in this world: And he will be in the Hereafter
in the ranks of the Righteous.
Behold! His Lord said to him: “Bow (thy will to Me):” He said: “I bow (my will) to the Lord and Cherisher of the Universe.”
And this was the legacy that Ibraham
left to his sons, and so did Yaqub (Jacob); “Oh my sons! Allah hath
chosen the Faith for you; then die not except in the State of Submission
(to Allah).
Were ye witnesses when Death appeared
before Yaqub? Behold, he said to his sons: “What will ye worship after
me?” They said: “We shall worship Thy God and the God of thy fathers- of
Ibraham, Isma’il and Ishaaq (Isaac),- the one (True) God: To Him we bow
(in Islam).”” [Surah Al Baqarah 2:130-133]
Musa or Moses (AS) came with nothing other than Islam. Allah (SWT) says:
“And Musa said: “O my
people! If ye do (really) believe in Allah, then in Him put your trust
if ye submit (your will to His).”” [Surah Yunus 10:84]
Yusuf or Joseph (AS) came calling his people to Islam. Allah (SWT) says:
“(Yusuf supplicated) My
Lord! You have indeed bestowed on me of the sovereignty, and taught me
something of the interpretation of dreams – the (Only) Creator of the
heavens and the earth! You (O Allah) are my Wali (Protector, Helper,
Supporter, Guardian) in this world and in the Hereafter. Cause me to die
as a Muslim (submitting to You alone) and join me with the righteous.”
[Surah Yusuf 12:101]
In turn, ‘Isa bin Maryam (AS) came calling his people only to Islam. Allah (SWT) says:
“Then when ‘Isa came to know
of their disbelief, he said: ‘Who will be my helpers in Allah’s Cause?’
The disciples said: ‘We are the helpers of Allah; we believe in Allah,
and bear witness that we are Muslims.’” [Surah Ali 'Imran 3:52]
And the finality of Prophethood, the
Imam of the Messengers and the Leader of the Righteous, Muhammad (SAW)
was sent calling all of humanity not just a single people to Islam.
Allah (SWT) says:
“This day I have perfected
your religion for you (all humanity), completed My Favour upon you, and
have chosen for you Islam as your religion.” [Surah Al Ma'idah 5:3]
The religion of all those truly sent by Allah as Messengers was Islam.
‘Isa was but a humble Messenger and Prophet of Allah.
What is quite amusing to see is that
there are those who accept the concept of Monotheism (Jews and
Christians) yet reject it at the same time. The Jews reject known
Prophets and Messengers of Allah. They at times went as far as executing
them. This was planned for ‘Isa as will be explained. Allah (SWT)
describes this vividly in the Quran:
“Is it that whenever there
came to you a Messenger with what you yourselves desired not, you grew
arrogant? Some you disbelieved and some you killed.” [Surah Al Baqarah
On the other hand, those who claimed
Christianity went too far in the veneration of their Prophet and
Messenger ‘Isa. They corrupted his teachings by claiming for him things
that he never stated for himself. They elevated ‘Isa after his departing
them to a paganistic status that nullified whatever Monotheistic faith
they had in their hearts.
Allah (SWT) says:
“And they say: ‘The Most
Gracious (Allah) has begotten a son (or offspring or children).’ Indeed
you have brought forth (said) a most terrible, evil thing. Whereby the
heavens are almost torn, and the earth is split asunder, and the
mountains fall in ruins, that they ascribe a son (or offspring) to the
Most Gracious.
But it is not befitting (the Majesty) of the Most Gracious (Allah) that He should beget a son (or offspring).
There is none in the heavens and the earth but comes unto the Most Gracious as a slave.” [Surah Maryam 19:88-93]
Shaykhul Islam Ibn al-Qayyim has a
beautiful poem dispelling the falsities and irrational of Christians
past and present. He poetically states:
To the worshippers of the Messiah (‘Isa) we put forth a question.
We seek an answer from those who have comprehension.
If a god was to be put to death by a people
Can he be truly godly?
Stranger than a god being interned in a grave,
Is being confined in a womb
Remaining for nine months
In darkness; nourished from his mothers blood
Finally exiting the birth canal a small weak child
With open mouth seeking a breast to suckle
Suckling thus necessitating urination and defecation
Is this the God that you claim?!
Quite simply he is but a man who was chosen by Allah (SWT) as a caller to guidance and righteousness. Allah (SWT) says:
“The Messiah (‘Isa) bin
Maryam, was no more than a Messenger, many who were Messengers have
passed away before him. His mother (Mary) was a Sidiqah (believed in
Words of Allah). Both of them used to eat food (as all other human
beings). Look how We make the Ayat (proofs, evidences, lessons,
examples) clear to them; yet look how they are deluded away (from the
truth).” [Surah Al Ma'idah 5:75]
Some will ask, how can someone be born to a virgin mother and not be divine?
Allah (SWT) answers:
“Verily, the likeness of
‘Isa before Allah is the likeness of Adam. He created him (Adam) from
dust, then (He) said to him: ‘Be!’ – and he was.” [Surah Ali 'Imran
Surely the creation of a complete
physical man from dust is greater than the creation of ‘Isa. If Adam
(AS) is not thought of as being divine, then why has the same claim been
made for ‘Isa (AS)?
‘Isa distances himself from the slander and unjustified claims of Christians.
Allah (SWT) gives us a glimpse of what
will be spoken by ‘Isa on the Day of Judgment in defense of himself and
proclaiming his innocence and freedom from the unjustified claims of
those who ascribed to him abominable lies.
Allah (SWT) mentions this to us in the concluding verses of Surah Al Ma’idah:
“And (remember) when Allah will say (on the Day of Ressurection):
‘O ‘Isa, son of Maryam! Did you say unto men: ‘Worship me and my mother as two gods besides Allah?’’
He (‘Isa) will say: ‘Glory is to You
(Alone)! It was not for me to say what I had no right (to say). Had I
said such a thing, You surely, have known it. You know what is in my
inner-self though I do not know what is in Yours; truly You, only You,
are the All-Knower of all that is hidden and (unseen).’
‘Never did I say to them except what You
(Allah) commanded me to say: ‘Worship Allah, My Lord and Your Lord.’
And I was a witness over them while I dwelt amongst them, but when You
took me up, You were the Watcher over them; and You are a Witness to all
‘If You punish them, they are Your slaves, and if You forgive them, verily, You, only You, are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.’
Allah will say: ‘This is a Day on which
the truthful will profit from their truth: Theirs are Gardens under
which rivers flow (in Paradise) – they shall abide therein forever.’
Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him. That is the
great success (Paradise).
To Allah belongs the dominion of the
heavens and the earth and all that is therein, and He is Able to do all
things.” [Surah Al Ma'idah 5:116-120]
These are the words of truth that are undeniable by the one who possesses insight, rational and a clear understanding of Allah.
Who was Maryam? And the Truth about the Immaculate Conception and the Birth of ‘Isa (AS).
It has been aptly stated that behind
every successful man there is a woman. In most cases, ones’ mother is by
far the single most profound shaping force behind a young man or woman.
From the moment of conception the mother to be undergoes emotional,
physical and psychological changes that ready her for the responsibility
of shaping the life a new human being. The mother is an institution of
higher learning. She is a bastion of blind love for her child. She is a
proprietor of undying devotion. The mother is a source of physical
nutrition and safety, emotional attachment, psychological comfort and
spiritual guidance to her growing child.
Therefore, we are compelled as Muslims
to honour, elevate, adore, protect, esteem, respect, revere, strengthen,
recognize, be dutiful to, give comfort to, show loyalty and allegiance
to, pay homage to and supplicate for ones mother.
The mother-son relationship is one of
great importance and value in Islam. As such, we have been given many
great examples in the Quran and the Sunnah to model ourselves after. One
can see examples in the Quran of all of the different forms of family
structure. To see the relationship of a foster mother with her adopted
son look to the example of Musa or Moses (AS) and his foster mother
Asiya (AS). To see the relationship of a single mother raising her son
alone look to the example of Ismail or Ishmael (AS) and his mother Hajar
(AS). To see the relationship of an unrighteous mother with her
children look to the example of the daughters of Lot or Lut (AS) and
their unrighteous mother.
Of the most poignant and telling
mother-son relationships in the Quran is that of ‘Isa bin Maryam (AS).
For the first and last time in history a Prophet would not be addressed
by his father’s name. Rather, he is referred to as Jesus the son of
To assess and grasp the true virtue of ‘Isa (AS) it is necessary to learn about his mother Maryam ibnata ‘Imran (AS).
Who is Maryam (AS)?
Maryam (AS) simply is of the most complete women of all humanity, past, present and future.
Rasool Allah (SAW) said: “Many men have
reached completion (in their relationship with Allah such as the many
thousands of Prophets; Ibn Hajr). (Yet,) only four woman have reached
(this same level of) completion. Maryam bint (daughter of) ‘Imran, Asiya
the wife of Pharaoh, Khadijah bint Khuwaylid (wife of Rasool Allah) and
Fatimah bint Muhammad (reached completion). The excellence and
superiority of ‘Aisha (wife of Rasool Allah) in relation to the rest of
women is the equal of that of Thareed (Meat filled dish) in relation to
other dishes.” [Agreed upon its authenticity by both Imam Bukhari and
Imam Muslim.]
Maryam is the daughter of one of the
most well known and respected men from the Jewish nation. She is from
the house of ‘Imran. Her mother is Hinah bin Faqoud (Ibn Kathir’s
Hinah bint Faqoud was unable to bear a
child for a number of years. She turned in sincere supplication to Allah
(SWT) beseeching Him (SWT) to bless her with a child whom she vowed to
dedicate to the service of Allah. Allah (SWT) says:
“Allah chose Adam, Nuh
(Noah), and the family of Ibrahim and the family of ‘Imran above the
‘Alameen (all creation during their respective times). Offspring, one of
the other and Allah is the All-Hearer, All-Knowing.
(Remember) when the wife of ‘Imran said:
‘O my Lord! I have vowed to You what (the child that) is in my womb to
be dedicated for your services (free from all worldly work and
obligations; solely for your worship) so accept this from me. Verily you
are the All-Hearer (You hear my Du‘a) and the All-Knowing (and you know
my sincere intention in fulfilling this vow).’
Then when she gave birth to her
(Maryam), she said ‘O my Lord! I have given birth to a female child (Ibn
Abbas states that the Jews only accepted males into dedicated
service).’ – And Allah knew better what she brought forth (He is the
Creator), – ‘And the male is not like the female, and I have named her
Maryam (literally = pure maidservant of Allah), and I see refuge with
You (Allah) for her and her offspring from the Shaytan (Satan), the
So her Lord (Allah) accepted her with
goodly acceptance. He made her grow in a good manner and put her under
the care of Zakariya (Prophet Zachary).” [Surah Ali 'Imran 3:33-37]
Rasool Allah (SAW) mentions:
“No new born escapes the
prick (touch) of the Shaytan at the time of their birth. (The touch is
what) causes them to begin to scream. Only Maryam and her son (escaped
being molested by the Shaytan).” [Reported through authentic narrations
in the Musnad of al-Imam Ahmed and the Sahih of al-Imam Muslim.]
Allah (SWT) thus answered the supplication by Hinah for Maryam and her future offspring.
Maryam was taken under the tutelage of
the great Prophet of Allah Zakariya (AS). In fact Allah chose Zakariya
(AS) for the great task of spiritually rearing Maryam (AS). Allah (SWT)
describes this in the Quran:
“This is part of the news of
the Ghaib (unseen, news of past nations of which you have no knowledge
prior to this) which We reveal to you (O Muhammad). You were not with
them when they cast lots with their pens as to which of them should be
charged with the care of Maryam; nor were you with them when they
disputed.” [Surah Ali 'Imran 3:44]
The pious leaders of Bani Israel
gathered in dispute as to whom would be given charge of Maryam. They
decided to throw their pens in the river (Jordan). The owner of the pen
that flowed against the current would be given charge of Maryam (Ibn
Kathir al-Bidayah).
To truly appreciate the virtue of Maryam we remember the words of Allah:
“And (remember) when the
angels said: ‘O Maryam! Verily, Allah has chosen you, purified you (from
Shirk and disbelief and sin), and chosen you above the woman of the
‘Alameen (all creation during her time). O Maryam! Submit yourself with
obedience to your Lord and prostrate yourself, and bow down along with
those who bow down (to Him).’” [Surah Ali 'Imran 3:42-43]
The angels would openly address her and bring her what she desired in forms of sustenance. Allah (SWT) says:
“So her Lord (Allah)
accepted her with goodly acceptance. He made her grow in a good manner
and put her under the care of Zakariya (Prophet Zachary). Every time he
entered the praying place to (visit) her, he found her supplied with
sustenance. He said, ‘O Maryam! From where have you received this?’ She
said, ‘This is from Allah.’ Verily Allah provides sustenance to whom He
Wills, without limit.” [Surah Ali 'Imran 3:37]
This honoured woman was therefore chosen by Allah for a unique mission that would test her faith and resolve.
The Immaculate Conception
Owing the delicate and confusing nature
of this great occurrence, Allah (SWT) records this happening in the
Quran with precision and point by point detail. In a Surah titled Maryam
(Chapter 19), Allah (SWT) describes to us the Immaculate Conception and
the birth of ‘Isa (AS). To gain full benefit and strengthen our grasp
of this great happening we will at times insert explanatory words and
arguments (derived from the Tafsir of the Rabbani Scholars).
Allah (SWT) says in Surah Maryam (19:16-21):
“And mention in the Book
(the Quran, O Muhammad the story of) Maryam, when she withdrew in
seclusion from her family to a place facing the east.
She placed a screen (to screen herself)
from them. We then sent unto her our Ruh (Jibreel or Archangel Gabriel),
and he appeared before her in the form of a man in all respects
(physically). In the midst of her screen and secluded state a strange
man confronted her in her private quarters. Feeling threatened she
turned to Allah.
She said: ‘Verily, I seek refuge with
the Most Gracious (Allah) from you, if you do fear Allah.’ [Instead of
saying I seek refuge with the Most Mighty she mentioned Allah with His
attribute of Rahman (Most Gracious) to remind the seemingly
threateningly stranger of Mercy and Grace rather than Anger and Wrath.
Her immediate impulse was to turn to Allah the Protector rather than to
seek what may be the futile aid of others on the onset of the
(The angel) said: ‘I am only a messenger from your Lord, (to announce) to you the gift of a righteous son.’
She said: ‘How can I have a son, when no man has touched me, nor was I unchaste?’
He said: “So (it will be), your Lord has
said, ‘That is easy for Me (Allah)! And (We wish) to appoint him as a
sign to mankind and a mercy from Us (Allah), and it is a matter already
By whose Power and Might were the heavens created and raised above one another without supports?
By whose Power and Might was the earth created as a sphere yet made flat for those who tread upon its surface?
By whose Power and Might was Ibrahim (AS) saved from the fire?
By whose Power and Might was Musa (AS) Saved from Pharaoh?
By whose Power and Might was Yunus or Jones (AS) saved from the whale?
By Whose Power and Might was ‘Isa (AS) eventually going to be saved from the plots of the Jews and Romans?
The answer is found in Surah Al Hashr (59:22-24):
“He is Allah, beside Whom
none has the right to be worshipped but He. (Allah is) the All-Knower of
the unseen and the seen. He is the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
He is Allah beside Whom none has the
right to be worshipped but He. (Allah is) the King, the Holy, the One
Free from all defects, the Giver of Security, the Watcher over His
creatures, the All-Mighty, the Compeller, The Supreme. Glory is to
Allah! (High is He) above all that they associate as partners with Him.
He is Allah, the Creator, the Inventor
of all things, the Bestower of forms. To Him belong the Best Names. All
that is in the Heavens and the earth glorify Him. And He is the
All-Mighty, the All-Wise.” [Surah Al Hashr 59:22-24]
He said: “So (it will be), your Lord has
said, ‘That is easy for Me (Allah)! And (We wish) to appoint him as a
sign to mankind and a mercy from Us (Allah), and it is a matter already
decreed.’” A sign of Tawheed during his stay with Bani Israel and a sign
of the nearness of the Day of Judgment after his descent from the
heavens to say the one eyed liar or the Dajjal.
So she conceived him, and she withdrew
with him to a far place (Bethlehem about 4-6 miles from Jerusalem). She
remained in Jerusalem until the signs of her pregnancy began to manifest
themselves. When the signs began to show themselves she moved to
Bethlehem for privacy. After the conception she went to visit her
sister, the mother of Yahya (AS) bin Zakariya (AS) and told her of what
had transpired.
Imam Malik (RA) states: “It has reached
me that Yahya bin Zakariya and ‘Isa bin Maryam are cousins from the side
of the mother, and that their conception was in the same day.”
[Reported by Ibn Kathir in Bidayah.]
And the pains of childbirth drove her to
the trunk of a date palm. It should not be misunderstood that after
conception Maryam immediately and simultaneously gave birth to a child.
This should not be misconstrued due to the nature of the wording or in
misunderstanding the placement of the Faa (Faa ut-Ta‘qeeb). The previous
verse is preceded with the verse of Conception. The verse of conception
does begin with a Faa, as does this one. This usually means that the
two acts are linked in a specific time constraint, and in sequence. The
important point is that the time constraint and sequence is relative to
the action in question. The Faa is also used in Surah Al-Mu’minoon verse
number 14. Allah says: “Then we made the Nutfah (semen and ovum) into a
clot, then We made the clot into a little lump of flesh, then We made
out of that little lump of flesh bones….” The Faa (translated to the
word Then in this example) is used in the same manner of linking the
respective phases. Yet there is no claim that these phases are done
simultaneously, rather it implies that they are consecutive in nature.
As well, we will soon see that the people accused Maryam of immorality
because she came carrying a newborn. This implies that the time frame
caused them to uniformly suspect that the child was hers. Ibn Kathir
states that the majority of the scholars (Ibn Jareer, Ibn al-Qayim,
Al-Qurtubi and Ibn Taymiyyah) contend that she carried ‘Isa (AS) for
full term (9 months).
“So she conceived him, and she retired with him to a remote place.
And the pains of childbirth drove her to
the trunk of a palm-tree: She cried (in her anguish): “Ah! would that I
had died before this! would that I had been a thing forgotten and out
of sight!”
But (a voice) cried to her from beneath the (palm-tree): “Grieve not! for thy Lord hath provided a rivulet beneath thee;
“And shake towards thyself the trunk of the palm-tree: It will let fall fresh ripe dates upon thee.
“So eat and drink and cool (thine) eye.
And if thou dost see any man, say, ‘I have vowed a fast to (God) Most
Gracious, and this day will I enter into not talk with any human
being’”” [Surah Maryam 19:22-26]
A spring sprout from beneath her and
food was made available for nourishment. Taking a vow of silence was the
preferred from of fasting during those times. It is deemed Haraam
(prohibited) in Islam.
The conception was Divinely Ordained.
This is the undeniable, verified truth of what truly transpired more
than 2000 years ago. It has been eternally recorded for humanity in the
Quran so that there is to be no discrepancy or disillusion.