Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A Story With A Moral

A Story With A Moral: Why Is It That You Are Always So Happy?

One day, one friend asked another,
 “Why is it that you are always so happy? You have so much energy, and you never seem to get down.”
 With smiling, she said, ‘”I know the Secret!”

 “What secret is that? “
To which she replied, “I’ll tell you all about it, But you have to promise to Share the Secret with others.”

“The Secret is this: I have learned there is little I can do In my life that will make me truly happy. I must depend on Allah to make me happy and to meet my needs. When a need arises in my life, I have to trust Allah to supply According to HIS riches. I have learned most of the time; I do not need half of what I think. He has never let me down.”

The questioner’s first thought was, “That’s too simple!”  But upon reflecting over her own life, She recalled how she thought a bigger house Would make her happy, but it didn’t! She thought a better paying job Would make her happy, but it hadn’t. When did she realize her greatest happiness?. Sitting on the floor with her grandchildren, playing games, eating food or reading a story, A simple gift from Allah. 

Moral:  We cannot depend on people to make us happy. Only Allah in His infinite wisdom can do that. Trust HIM!. 

Allah in His wisdom will take care of YOU! But it is not really a secret… We just have to believe it and do our duty perfectly.. Really trust Allah! 

“To have God in our side does not mean sailing on a boat with no storms, it means having a boat that no storm can sink!’

The Life of the Butterfly

STOP for a Second.

It is Perhaps, one of Man's most amateur and most repeated errors; the effortless distraction; Man's Great Race. It is to be so consumed by the world; yet so lost of its countless wonders and lessons. It is perhaps; the Greatest Irony that the only time Man breaks away from this great race; is at his sudden and abrupt END.

Allow yourself to reflect on LIFE.

Reflect on the Life of the Butterfly.

As Subtle, as Enchanting and Breathtaking of a creature, as it maybe; it holds a simple yet Awesome lesson of LIFE.

The Butterfly is nothing special at first. It hatches from an egg; almost no different then the manner that a fly does. It hatches into Caterpillar endeavoring and surviving the harsh elements that it must undertake in the world that it now must call home. After a specific period of time; it builds for itself a cocoon, much like a coffin maker building a coffin, and it remains within it for a period of time; until one day, it emerges from its cocoon: a Butterfly.

Still have not noticed the Lesson behind the Butterfly?

From Winter comes to us what appears to be the Death of many plants and vegetation; and with Spring comes the springing of New Life. With the Life of the Butterfly; it is NO DIFFERENT.

It is a Sign. A Sign of the Afterlife.

We come into this World; without a single clue. But before long we become temporary or permanent admirers and slaves of it; yet when we ask ourselves what lies beyond the apparent, we have not a single idea? Look to the Butterfly; therein lies a intricate set of lessons that have astonished and fascinated Bedouin storytellers and philosophers alike for millennia. So much of our next life depends on what we choose to do in this life. The Cocoon is only but a stage in our existence; and the Grave is only the beginning of something far greater then we can imagine.

After all; we are all living the Life of the Butterfly...



Hearts had DOORS and Souls had KEYS








NATIONS opened up their BORDERS opened up their SEAS


the DEAF could HEAR and the BLIND could SEE




WONDERS would awake within us PARABLES and ANALOGIES




















every HIGH SCHOOL KID had a plan



What are you afraid of ?

What are you afraid of?   

by nebudoha

Are you worried about something? Are you afraid of anything that hunts you down ? Are you afraid of getting lost from this world? May Allah bless you with piety and purity, strong Emaan(Faith), forgiveness of sins, have mercy on you, elevate your status, and bless you with knowledge of Deen and generosity…. Ameen!  You are a believer, Allah loves a pious believer more than seventy mothers can love!  Your parents love you and always wish good for you! The Muslim Ummah loves you.

The Prophet Muhammed (sallallahu alayhi wasallam, May peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:  “The most miserable man in the world of those meant for Paradise will be dipped once in Paradise (i.e. in the life Hereafter).  Then he will be asked, Son of Adam, did you ever face any misery? Did you ever experience any hardship”, so he will say (so happy after seeing a glimpse of Jannah), No my Lord! I never faced any misery and I never experienced any hardship.” Subhanallah J

The Prophet Muhammed (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) also said: Whoever makes Istighfaar in abundance, Allah will make a way out for him from every difficulty, free him from depression and anxiety and Allah will grant him sustenance from avenues which he cannot even imagine.

A Muslim, who goes through hardship but endures patiently and still strives to do good deeds, will be awarded Paradise where there is no sickness or pain, no sadness, no old age. How lucky you are ?
Paradise is a reality – with rivers of milk and honey, palaces of gold and silver, delicious food and fruits, beautiful spouse, always happy, always young, always healthy – a great kingdom for ever and ever for an unending enjoyment and bliss. Compete with each other to strengthen faith and excel in good deeds and hasten to seize every fleeting moment and turn into gold by a productive activity; In Sha Allah Lets sow seeds today to reap a rich harvest tomorrow and rush at the available opportunity before it is lost for good.
The lowest ranking person in Jannah will get a kingdom ten times bigger than this world, will have thousands of servants and so many angels will come to believers to make Salam.  In Jannah, there will be a bazar where people can change their faces to look like ‘any person’ they wanted to look like.  In Jannah, a believing woman will be sent long time before her husband, she will be decorated with things that no eyes has seen, no ears have heard and no body even thought about that!

This life is a one-time opportunity to achieve everlasting happiness in the life hereafter. Allah Almighty is showering countless blessings upon us everyday. Every moment has a great potential to achieve high-ranks in the court of our Creator.  Every minute is like a gold coin.  The heart and tongue are gifts from Allah to earn millions of rewards (Hasanaat) for the Akhirah.
Allah says in the Qur’an: (interpretation of the meaning):
“..Truly the steadfast will be paid their recompense without limit“[Az-Zumar, 10].
Abu Saeed Al-Khudri and Abu Hurairah (RA) narrate that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Whenever a Muslim faces fatigue, illness, worry, grief, hurt and sorrow, even gets pricked by a thorn, Allah in lieu of his sufferings removes his sins.” (Bukhari)
Remember, a human life is very precious gift from Allah and is not just meant to lose heart for a small issue.  Compared to the stages and issues in human journey to life -Hereafter, our worldly worries and problems are a small thing.  Only Allah knows what is beneficial for us.  If you are a true believer, hope for the best from Allah.

Love of Allah:
The human heart is the center of emotions and feelings.   It dictates what it desires and works in collaboration with mind to act as a platform of good or evil.  The human heart also has hidden treasures of matchless jewels. If found and applied, we can become beloved of Allah.  Imagine a believer (sister) who always remembers and seeks help from her Creator, praises Allah by her tongue, in her heart, expresses gratitude for His bounties, is patient in hardships. She supplicates in all earnestness and always has good intentions.

Seeking help with patience and prayer:
Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “And seek help in patience and al-salaat (the prayer)…” [al-Baqarah 2:45].
Hudhayfah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “Whenever the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was grieved by something, he used to pray.”
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “How wonderful is the situation of the believer, for all his affairs are good. If something good happens to him, he gives thanks for it and that is good for him; if something bad happens to him, he bears it with patience, and that is good for him. This does not apply to anyone but the believer.” (Narrated by Muslim).
Put your hope, trust and faith in Allah Ta’ala.  It helps when you find that you are not the only one who has difficulties. You can get a great deal of support by helping others and building up your self esteem and confidence.  If you wish, you could volunteer to help those who are less fortunate than you. In this way you will meet so many warm and wonderful people and this can bring the realization to you that there are many people who also have difficulties. You will learn new and better ways of coping with your difficulties.
You should emphasize your strengths and not your weaknesses. Allah Ta’ala has given each one of us some strong characteristics which we should maximize. You are perhaps very good academically in some subjects. Maybe you are a skilled crafts person or you have some other hidden talent. Use that potential of yours to its maximum. it is not how you look like that is important, it is what your heart is like and the contribution which you can make to your society, family or the Ummah which is important.
Every tear of a believer is precious in the court of Allah.  Allah looks at the sincerity of our hearts and our actions. People cannot give respect or honor – only Allah can grant peace, love, and contentment of heart, a blessed life in this world and in Jannah for true believers.  Difficulties and trials can become a means of raising our status and can earn countless reward.  Even our blessed Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), his family and daughters went though hardships and trials.

Forgiveness and Winning the Heart:
Remember the teaching of the Islam to win the heart:
•          Repel evil with good deeds;
•          Join relations with the one who cuts it with you;
•          Make Salaam to one who does not make Salaam;
•          Forgive those who did bad to you;
•          Keep politeness in all talk, with respect and love;
Allah says in the Noble Qur’an:
“The good deed and the evil deed cannot be equal. Repel (the evil) with one which is better (i.e. Allah ordered the faithful believers to be patient at the time of anger, and to excuse those who treat them badly), then verily! he, between whom and you there was enmity, (will become) as though he was a close friend.” [41:34].
“But none is granted it (the above quality) except those who are patient, and none is granted it except the owner of the great portion (of the happiness in the Hereafter i.e. Paradise and in this world of a high moral character). “[41:35].
This life is all about controlling desires and protecting from the traps of Nafs (self) and Shaytaan.  This is a temporary life where desires and feeling may not be fulfilled completely – the place for enjoyment and desires is Jannah.  This life is all about responsibilities, fulfilling others rights and following the commands of Allah and Sunnah.

Problem with Sustenance (Rizq)?
The prophet sallalahu alaihi wasallam said, I know of an ayah that if people were to hold on to it, it would suffice them “He who fears Allah, Allah will make an opening
for him, and grant him sustenance from sources he could never imagine, and Allah is sufficient for the one who puts his trust in him” (Ibne Maajah)
(this refers to a verse of Soorah Talaq)

It is narrated by Abu Hurairah (RA) that the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wasallam said, Allah says ,If my servants are obedient to me, I would send down rain during the
night and spread sunlight during the day and I will not make them hear the sound of thunder.” (Ahmad)

Abu Darda (RA) says the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wasallam said, “A persons sustenance searches for him just as his death does” (hilyah)
We understand from the Quran and many Ahadeeth, that trust and obedience of Allah is the key to increasing ones sustenance. This is because Allah is the one who owns the treasures of the skies and earth, it will only make sense to make our lives subservient to his commands.
One should remember that whatever is written for man, will reach him.
We should make sure that all our faraaid (compulsory) acts are in order, further, the best way of asking Allah for assistance is through Salaah. We should try not to become despondent or depressed, instead we should remember that Allah will increase our sustenance when the time is right.

The millionaire’s machine:
 Reciting the Noble Qur’an, Salah, making zikr, Da’wah, learning and teaching Islam – like earning gold and diamonds.

Three-directions to invest:
Today is the day for action – engage in worship, Da’wah, learning and serving others.
Turn your time into gold and earn mountains of rewards in a few minutes.
The past – clean it up by making Taubah!
The future – invest by having good intentions.

Du’a (supplication):
Man, in spite of his energy, creativity, intellect, wisdom, conquest of space, thought and action is but a week and powerless creation in Allah’s limitless universe.  From youth to old age, from morning to evening, man has hundreds of needs.  If we ask people too much about our needs, they may not like it.  But, the more we ask from Allah, He becomes happy.
Everyone is in need of success.  Du’a (supplication) is the essence of worship, the light of the heavens and the earth. It opens the doors of mercy and is a means to fulfill our needs from the treasures of our Creator and Sustainer.  Turn to the One who has solution to all our problems.
Make all your worries, doubts and concerns in the form of Dua to Allah – for example:

Ya Allah, I was astray from straight path for so long, but you have hid my faults and gave me hidayah.
Ya Allah, I tried to do good, but Shaytaan deceived me – only You can show me the path to Jannah!
Ya Allah, I am helpless and distressed and you have all the treasures of comfort, mercy and happiness.

                             ”STILL WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF ? Just Stay Blessed, Stay Inspired”

The Red Cross Scam

The Red Cross Scam

911rc.jpgThe Red Cross is a disaster 'racket' in the business of making money from people's misery,
especially with totally engineered disasters such as 9/11.

So-called 'charities'  are nothing more than a means of extracting even more money
from the masses to swell the already overflowing coffers of the mega-rich. 

(Editor's Note: This excerpt from John Hamer's book, The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality (2012), presents a disturbing image of the Red Cross. I suspect there is much more to be revealed about this outfit.)

by John Hamer


The International Red Cross is an Elite-controlled front organization whose true purpose is the complete opposite from its stated purpose.

The moment a 'natural' disaster such as Hurricane Katrina, the Haitian earthquake or the Japanese Tsunami occurs; the Red Cross floods the airwaves with ads seeking donations.  With music full of pathos playing in the background, the announcer tells us that the Red Cross is 'always there in time of need' and now that the poor victims are suffering terribly, 'won't you please open your heart and wallet?'
jpgThese people have totally mastered the science of extracting money from the unthinking masses.   For example, the dust from the World Trade Center demolition had not even settled (literally) before the Red Cross were appealing to us all to give blood and money to help the families of the victims of the 'terrorist' attack.  Thousands of people gave blood and even more gave millions of dollars to the Red Cross. Perhaps, it would have been pertinent to ask 'blood for whom'?  Everyone was dead (there were few injuries, relatively speaking) so why was the Red Cross asking for blood donations day and night for a week or longer?

The answer is reflective of the true purpose of the Red Cross.  Sad to say the Red Cross is a disaster 'racket.' which is in the business of making money from people's misery, especially with totally engineered disasters such as 9/11.  They sell the blood on, of course, but they apparently also use the blood for other things to which the public is generally not privy and one could legitimately ask where does all the money go and to whom?

 For the most part, they keep it for themselves as do the vast majority of major, household-name charities.  The families of the victims of 9/11 had to badger, harass and threaten the Red Cross in an attempt to obtain $11 million that they would not release to the families, as long as one year after the event - and that is just what we were told in the media, so my guess is that the actual figure was much, much higher than this.

The CEO of the Red Cross and other senior administrators receive obscene salaries and massive perks, all of which are paid directly from  contributions.  At the time of writing, the salary of the current president is almost $700,000 per annum and the total revenue of the Red Cross is well in excess of $3bn!


In Sept. 2005, Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones wrote, "As the aftermath of hurricane Katrina continues to wreak mayhem and havoc amid reports of mass looting, shooting at rescue helicopters, rapes and murders, establishment media organs are promoting the Red Cross as a worthy organization to give donations to.  The biggest website in the world, Yahoo.com, displays a Red Cross donation link prominently on its front page.  Every time there is a major catastrophe the Red Cross and similar organizations like United Way are given all the media attention while other charities are left in the shadows.  This is not to say that the vast majority of Red Cross workers are not decent people who simply want to help those in need".
world-trade-center-wtc-terrorist-attack.jpgIn fact, the Red Cross has been caught 'red-handed' withholding money in the wake of terrible disasters that require immediate funds.  In the name of the 'Liberty Fund' for 9/11 family relief, the Red Cross collected $564 million in donations yet only actually distributed around $150 million.

The then Red Cross President Dr. Bernadine Healy arrogantly proclaimed, "The Liberty Fund is a war fund.  It has evolved into a war fund.  We must have blood readiness.  We must have the ability to help our troops if we go into a ground war.  We must have the ability to help the victims of tomorrow."   (She resigned under fire in Dec. 2001, and died in 2011. )

On Jan 3, 2005, CNN reported: "Charities swung into action after the September 11 terrorist attacks, raising more than $1 billion.  But questions are being raised about where and how and how much of that money is being distributed.  Bearing the brunt Tuesday during a hearing of the House Energy and Commerce Committee's oversight panel was outgoing Red Cross President Dr. Bernadine Healy.  Healy was hammered by one New York official for the Red Cross' decision to put aside nearly half of the money raised for future needs that may include terrorist attacks.  'I see the Red Cross, which has raised hundreds of millions of dollars that was intended by the donating public to be used for the victims of September 11 -- I see those funds being sequestered into long-term plans for an organization,' New York Attorney general Eliot Spitzer testified. "

In fact the Red Cross has a long, long sordid history of stealing cash donations intended for disaster relief. Following the disastrous San Francisco earthquake in 1989, the Red Cross donated only $10 million of the $50 million that had been raised, and kept the rest.

 Similarly, following the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 and the Red River flooding in 1997 many donations were also withheld.  Even as far back as the Korean War, the Red Cross was plundering soldiers' relief packages, the famous 'Red Cross Parcels' from home.

 The Red Cross is very adept at stealing money and looting mail and has been exposed in this respect many times but it has been allowed to escape sanctions, punishment or exposure because the organization is so closely allied with and indeed is inextricably linked with the Elite establishment.  It is without doubt an organization run by Elite insiders whose purpose is to gather intelligence and steal from the poor, underprivileged and needy to further line the pockets of the rich.
indonesia.jpgSeveral minor charities that were involved with the 2004 Tsunami relief project expressed outrage in public to say that large charities like Red Cross and Oxfam were engaged in secret negotiations that resulted in a large amount of the public-donated money being withheld from those most affected by the disaster. See Red Cross Hasn't Spent $200 million Raised for S. Asian Tsunami

The message here should be clear to all.  Under no circumstances donate money to major charitable organizations unless you would like your money to go to benefit the Elite's expansion of their empires and the fast-developing police state in your own backyards.  Find smaller independent charitable organizations that you know to be reliable and make your donations to them.

How the World Health Organisation covered up Iraq's nuclear nightmare

How the World Health Organisation covered up Iraq's nuclear nightmare

Ex-UN, WHO officials reveal political interference to suppress scientific evidence of postwar environmental health catastrophe

Spc Travis Hunter loads armor-piercing depleted uranium-tipped shells during the second Iraq war
Spc Travis Hunter loads armor-piercing depleted uranium-tipped 25mm shells during the second Iraq war Photograph: John Moore/AP
Last month, the World Health Organisation (WHO) published a long awaited document summarising the findings of an in-depth investigation into the prevalence of congenital birth defects (CBD) in Iraq, which many experts believe is linked to the use of depleted uranium (DU) munitions by Allied forces. According to the 'summary report':
"The rates for spontaneous abortion, stillbirths and congenital birth defects found in the study are consistent with or even lower than international estimates. The study provides no clear evidence to suggest an unusually high rate of congenital birth defects in Iraq."
Jaffar Hussain, WHO's Head of Mission in Iraq, said that the report is based on survey techniques that are "renowned worldwide" and that the study was peer reviewed "extensively" by international experts. 

Read more @ http://www.theguardian.com/environment/earth-insight/2013/oct/13/world-health-organisation-iraq-war-depleted-uranium

Open Panel
