Friday, August 3, 2012

Wasting time

We tend to waste a lot of time on social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. We find them so interesting that we sit in front of the laptop or the computer or even on our mobiles for hours on end just scrolling through them and checking the ‘Latest News’. 

So what do we find so interesting about these sites? Why do we waste so much of our precious time on these sites when we have people in the world that are dying from poverty that are relying on us to make Dua for them and help them but no, instead we waste our valuable time on these sites. Why?
Simple. We stalk people. We go through facebook and catch up with latest news, check what’s new, go on people’s profiles, check their pictures, check who’s awake, who’s asleep, what so and so is doing, where they are, where they’re going, what they’re having to eat tonight. Or we go on twitter and check the latest trends.

Everyday we check our mobile phones to see if we have any new text messages. We check Facebook and Twitter to see if we have a new inbox message. See if someone has sent a friend request to us or if we’ve gained any new followers.

Now imagine we take a look at the Quran and spend hours on end going through it to see if we have a missed call, if we have new mail or if there are any updates. We keep on going through the Quran numerous times just to check the Quran ayah’s, see if Allah is asking us to do something.
Continuously checking Facebook and Twitter is not going to benefit us in this world nor the next. However, continuously checking the Quran will.

Now please don’t get me wrong, by all means go on Facebook and use Twitter. No one’s stopping you but just take a moment and think ‘Is it really worth it? Do i have enough time to be spending on these sites checking updates on other people’s lives when i don’t even know when my life is going to come to an end?’
Ibn Qayyim quoted: “Wasting time is worse than death because death separates you from the world whereas wasting time separates you from Allah”

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