(left, Masonic Go'fers and traitors at Yalta. Brother Hitler occupied elsewhere.)
behind their agents, Churchill, Hitler, Stalin, and FDR - the
Illuminati waged a merciless war on humanity, destroying nations and murdering 60 million
article is indebted to 'Anomalies in History - World War
2' by Robert Pye, a list of various discrepancies in the war
that reveal the Illuminati controlled both sides.
by David Richards
1) Wall
Street Funded the Nazis
the capital provided by Wall Street, there would have been no Hitler
and no WW2.
his book 'Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler' Professor Anthony G
Sutton writes that "General Motors, Ford, General Electric,
DuPont," and other "U.S. companies intimately involved with
the development of Nazi Germany were ... controlled by the Wall
Street banks," such as "the J.P. Morgan firm, the
Rockefeller Chase Bank and to a lesser extent the Warburg Manhattan
Oil provided a steady supply of oil throughout the war. The oil was
shipped to Spain then piped through Nazi-controlled France into
Motors and Ford provided 90 % of Nazi armored
trucks. IBM produced the Hollerith machines that helped SS Officers
manage the round up of dissidents for concentration camps.
2) Why
did Hitler pause at Dunkirk, letting the British escape?
German Army had the massive British expeditionary force at their
mercy at Dunkirk in May 1940 but, on Hitler's orders, held
back for three days, thereby allowing 338,000 British and French
troops to escape. The German generals, waiting approval to launch a
full-scale assault, were left scratching their heads.
military blunder is inexplicable by conventional standards.
did Hitler hold back? The Illuminati wanted WW2 to be a long and
bloody conflict - but one Germany would lose. The destruction of
the British Army would have given the Nazis an almost unassailable
advantage in the war, so Hitler had to let them escape.
3) Why
didn't Hitler commandeer the French fleet?
Nazis were never serious about exploiting France.
signed an armistice with the Germans on 22nd June 1940,
stipulating that the French fleet would be largely disarmed and
confined to harbor, under French control. What insanity! If
Hitler had commandeered the French fleet, he would have had
overwhelming naval superiority in European waters!
fleet could have been used to seal the Straits of Gibraltar, the only
route the Allies had into the Mediterranean Sea.
was a Trojan horse designed to destroy Germany's national, cultural
and racial pretensions, therefore integrating the country into a
world government. This is why, instead of executing a sensible
strategy to defeat the Allies, he launched a suicidal invasion of the
4) Why
did Stalin take no steps whatsoever to repel the planned German
invasion of 22 June 1941?
goal of the Nazi-Soviet war was to burn out the German war machine. Stalin's
refusal to preempt the Nazi invasion is evidence that the war was
months preceding the war, there was a huge build up of Nazi
forces on the Soviet border. Soviet spies had infiltrated Nazi ranks
and could tell Stalin all their moves, but 'Uncle Joe' refused to attack first. Even when the Nazis had four and a half million
soldiers and 650,000 vehicles amassed on the Soviet border, Stalin
refused to mobilize his defenses!
gave the Nazis a chance to gain a foothold in Russia and launch a
full-scale attack, ensuring a long and bloody conflict.
5) Why
did Churchill order the return of 50,000 Cossacks after the war?
school we are taught that WW2 was a simple story of Good (Allies) vs.
Evil (Axis). However, the acts of genocide committed by the Allies
render this narrative absurd.
the war, a large number of Soviet POWs who were opposed to the
Stalinist regime offered to fight alongside the Nazis. Most of these
were ethnic Cossacks or similar groups persecuted under Communism.
the war, the Allies forcibly repatriated these men to the Soviet
Union, knowing full well that Stalin would kill every last one of
them - which he did.
6) Why
did Churchill and Truman give Eastern Europe to the Soviets?
decisions made at three conferences - Tehran, Yalta and Potsdam -
Eastern Europe was handed over to the Soviets. The official reason is
that 'Stalin demanded it'. However, given the military might of
the US and the destruction of the Red Army in the conflict
with the Nazis, far smaller concessions were possible.
real reason is that Communism is a tool of the Illuminati and they
wanted Soviet Union to expand and bring countries into the NWO. They
also wanted the West (capitalist) vs. East (communist) dialectic to
be the political paradigm of the second half of the 20th
7) The
Americans knew about Pearl Harbor in advance
Illuminati goaded Japan into attacking America.
that Japan received 80% of its oil imports from the US, in 1941
Roosevelt imposed an oil embargo on the country. This was followed by
a steel embargo, forcing the Japanese into a war footing with the US.
abounds that the Americans knew the attack was coming but did nothing
to stop it.
removed the main vessels from Pearl Harbor just prior to the attack,
suggesting that they wanted a calamity but didn't want to lose
their best ships.
damningly, when the first bombs landed early on Sunday morning, a
professional Movietone cameraman was lying in wait to record the
attacks. This is why the Americans had color footage of the event.
This footage proved invaluable as a propaganda tool in American
cinemas. A public previously hostile to war would soon cheer atomic
bombs vaporizing Japanese cities.
war with Japan fulfilled a few Illuminati goals.
The destruction of the nationalistic Japan elite. Since the end
of the war, Japan has ruled almost solely by one US-backed political
It allowed their communist sock puppet Mao Zedong to rise to power.
After defeat by the Americans, the Japanese had to abandon their
colonies in China, allowing the Nationalists and Communists to fight
over control of the entire country. In 1946 American General C.
Marshall was sent to China with orders to unify the country. To
ensure that Mao took power, he put an arms embargo on the
Nationalists (Tragedy and Hope, Carroll Quigley, pg. 907).
8) Firebombing
campaigns - Sacrifices To Satan
WW2 there were many firebombing campaigns on densely populated
most famous is Dresden, in which Churchill murdered 100,000 German
civilians. (Victims pictured left.)
same bombers could have been ordered to bomb the factories of IG
Farben, or the German rail network, or the German supply lines to the
Eastern front, or German shipping and ports. But no. The incineration
of thousands of women and children took precedence.
Americans committed similar sacrifices in Japan. We all know about
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but it is rarely mentioned that US forces
savagely firebombed 67 Japanese cities. It is estimated that 500,000
civilians were burned to death in the raids.
needless attacks were the Illuminati 'shock doctrine' in full
effect. The intention was to demoralize the world populace and make it
accept the authority of the UN.
that the Illuminati are Satanists, these raids also have a deeper
meaning. The sacrifice of children by fire is the most potent satanic
ritual. The worship of Moloch is the best-known example of this
practice. The immolation of these children, along with their mothers,
was a deliberate and systematic series of occult sacrifices.
Illuminati rely on deception to commit their crimes. To this end they
lie, trick and deceive, but they also count on our naivety and
even minimal critical analysis, the official story of WW2
collapses like a house of cards.
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