Wednesday, October 10, 2012

How to resist NWO in 10 Easy Steps

How to resist NWO in 10 Easy Steps

1) Become self-sustainable. If the world is going down the drain, you need to learn how to survive out there in the nature. Stash food supplies and medicine. Get a device to clean the water.

2) Reconsider your diet. Most of the humans are still asleep in the Matrix so to speak, because their diet is wrong. Junk food, fat and sugar doesn't work to fight the NWO - it only helps you to stay asleep. Eat fresh fruits, fish and vegetables. Eliminate meat, milk, animal fats and white wheat products from your diet. Don't drink alcohol and don't smoke. Never do drugs. Never eat food that is made by genetic modification. Eat organic food.

3) Reconsider your lifestyle. Staying indoors day and night in front of your computer doesn't help fighting the NWO. You have to balance your online activity with outdoor activity. Go out for a jog, take a walk in the forest, see the nature. A healthy body creates a healthy mind.

4) Reconsider your mental health. Don't give into panic. Stop believing the Mass Media. It's okay to watch TV, but it's not okay to become brainwashed by it. Be critical of what you allow to enter your mind. Don't go with the flow, even when the flow are those who claim to be awaken. Do your own research. Be critical.

5) Reconsider your plans for having children. If you or your partner are planning to have children - do reconsider it. This is not the right time or the right place to bring a new child in this world. Also, if you have a child, you become much more vulnerable.

6) Don't let them track you. Be careful when using your Facebook, Twitter and other accounts. Never use your real name. Always use an alias. The more you voice your opinion online, the more targeted you will become. They know that you know - and they are watching you.

7) Stand in front of a Bilderberger building and shout "Resist tne NWO!!" in a megaphone is not the way to resist the NWO. If they have infiltrated us, we have to infiltrate them. If they are manipulating with us, we have to find a way to manipulate with them. But never in the open, never in a offensive way.

8) Say no to RFID chip. This one goes without saying.

9) Start doing something instead of talking. You can control the Mass Media too - by emailing to journalists and television. 9 out of 10 of your attempts will fail, but number 10 will become a success. Don't be passive - do something. Talking over and over again to the same people here on ATS is not doing something. Stepping out of ATS and actually contacting the media with a good case is doing something.

10) Stay positive. An eye for an eye will make us all blind. If you will contribute with fear and destruction to the world that is already filled with fear and destruction, you will only serve the NWO's purpose. As long as you are concentrating on negative things, thinking negative thoughts and speak of negative and fearful things, you are contributing to NWO's strength. That's why you have to reject the negativity in your life and welcome the positivity.

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