Friday, January 24, 2014

Watch out what your children are watching on TV…BE CAREFUL…!!!

The child: Dad, can I ask you a favor? But promise you will listen to me and understand me. Promise you will listen until I finish ok?

The father: Ok I promise, go ahead. What is it?

The child: I want you to take me out to see some things. We'll only have a look that's all.

I want you to take me to my uncle's house to look at his beautiful daughter.

Then I want you to take me to the big hotel at the end of the road to look at some girls in the swimming pool with their bikinis.

After that, I want us to go to our neighbor’s house, the one who got married recently. And I want to watch him whilst he kisses his wife and plays with her.

And At night, I want us to go to some night club, to see some girls dancing and men and women around them drinking alcohol and smoking. And whilst we're there, I want us to go see how people gamble with money, I want to learn how they do it.

The father: Are you mad? Did you lose your mind? Aren’t you ashamed to...

The child: Hang on dad, I was only joking with you..

But dad, I want to let you know that all of what I asked to see, I already saw it, and you are the one who showed it to me. I didn't even ask you to show me. And I don't even have to go anywhere to see those things...

It's right there in that corner..on the TV..We watch those things every day, me, you, mum and my brothers and sisters...didn't you notice?

All of you are shepherds, and each one is responsible for his flock. A leader of people is a shepherd and responsible for them. A man is like a shepherd over his family, and he is responsible for his flock. A woman is like a shepherd over her husband’s house and children, and she is responsible for them. And a slave is a guardian of his master’s property and is responsible for it. So all of you are guardians and are responsible for your charges.”(Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

May Allah save all of us

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