Friday, July 25, 2014


The Apollo Meme Continues on the World Stage….
MARCH 1st : Gwen Stefani gives birth to Son-Sun, APOLLO

Mark Gray:
We must understand to past to understand the present.
March is named for the Roman God of War – Mars.
Today is March 1st and Russia is moving troops to Crimea.
Southern Ukraine where the Russians are invading is called Crimea.
Crimea was called “TAURIS” by the ancient Greeks
-Tauris means “BULL”.
The Romans would sacrifice a BULL to envoke Mars – the God of War during the Suovetaurilia.
Is Crimea the Tauris Bull that will be sacrificed to the God of War
Mars during his Holy month of March?
March 1: Mars’ dies natalis (“birthday of Mars”), a feria also sacred to his mother Juno;
March 14: a second Equirria, again with chariot races;
March 14 or 15: Mamuralia, a new year festival when a figure called Mamurius Veturius (perhaps the “old Mars” of the old year) is driven out;
March 17: an Agonalia or Agonium Martiale, an obscure type of observance held at other times for various deities;
March 23: Tubilustrium, a purification of the deploying army March 23;

Koowah Shining Add into the equation that a deadly storm is headed across the US name ‘TITAN’ and continue on with the sacrifice.
“In Greek mythology, the Titans (Greek: Τιτάν—Ti-tan; plural: Τιτᾶνες—Ti-tânes) were a primeval race of powerful deities, descendants of Gaia (Earth) and Uranus (Sky), that ruled during the legendary Golden Age. They were immortal giants of incredible strength and were also the first pantheon of Greek gods and goddesses.

In the first generation of twelve Titans, the males were Oceanus, Hyperion, Coeus, Cronus, Crius, and Iapetus and the females—the Titanesses or Titanides—were Mnemosyne, Tethys, Theia, Phoebe, Rhea, and Themis. The second generation of Titans consisted of Hyperion’s children Eos, Helios, and Selene; Coeus’s daughters Leto and Asteria; Iapetus’s children Atlas, Prometheus, Epimetheus, and Menoetius; Oceanus’s daughter Metis; and Crius’ sons Astraeus, Pallas, and Perses.

The Titans were overthrown by a race of younger gods, the Olympians, in the Titanomachy (“War of the Titans”). The Greeks may have borrowed this mytheme from the Ancient Near East.[1]“

Titan (mythology)

Scott Pfaff:  In the old Roman calendar (until perhaps as late as 153 BC), the mensis Martius (“Mars’ Month”) was the first month of the year. It is one of the few months to be named for a god, Mars, whose festivals dominate the month.

1 (Kalends): the original New Year’s Day when the sacred fire of Rome was renewed; the dancing armed priesthood of the Salii celebrated the Feriae Marti (holiday for Mars), which was also the dies natalis (“birthday”) of Mars; also the Matronalia, in honor of Juno Lucina, Mars’ mother.

Mark Gray: Headlines March 1, 2014: Earthquake Strikes Crimea Ukraine
Russian Troops Blame U.S. HAARP -Saying U.S.
“Used a Weapon of Mass Destruction against Russian Military”
What really happened?
Was it Haarp- America’s Earthquake maker?
Neptune- God of Earthquakes, Water and Horses?

3-3-2014: Is This The Cause of War? Oldest Pyramid On Earth Found Buried In Crimea, Ukraine!

“CRIMEA PYRAMIDS Align North 133 Degrees To Ohio Serpent Mound, Temple of Sun and Golden Calf City!!!

It also aligns to several football stadiums.”

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370(MH370/MAS370)[a] was a scheduled international passenger flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing that lost contact with air traffic control[2]on 8 March 2014 at 01:20 MYT(17:20 UTC, 7 March),[b] less than an hour after takeoff. At 07:24,Malaysia Airlines (MAS) reported the flight missing. The aircraft, aBoeing 777-200ER, was carrying 12 Malaysian crew members and 227 passengers from 14 nations.


3-7-2014: China conveys ‘deep concern’ to North Korea at missile’s proximity to aircraft Aircraft from China Southern Airlines crossed trajectory of North Korean missile

3-8-2014: Malaysia Airlines’ missing flight is the latest sign of a safety crisis in the region

“As both USA Today and the AP reported today, Interpol keeps a database of 40 million passports from 167 countries that have been reported stolen since 2002. Both Christian Kozel and Luigi Maraldi’s passports were in that database, and both of their stolen passports were used on MH370. The database was not checked.”

3-9-2014: How Stolen Passports Were Used to Board Flight MH370

Akay: Christian Kozel. Kozel means “goat” in Czech language. The Goat Christian Symbol represents oppressors, wicked men and demonic forces. The goat also symbolises unrepentant sinners who will be separated from God on judgment day which is associated with the following Bible verse:

Matt. 25:31 “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory. 32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.

3-9-2014: Missing Malaysian jet may have disintegrated in mid-air: source

3-9-2014: Video: Watch eerie moment family of missing Malaysia Airlines passenger successfully ring his phone – but nobody answers


Mark Gray: If Flight 370, the Malaysian Boeing 777, shows up at this location I'm quitting my day job. The number 777 is being shown and written over and over reguarding Flight 370. It was after all a Boeing 777. I decided to measure 777 Nautical Miles From Kuala Lumpur to see if there were any good numbers or clues. I followed the projected Flight Heading provided by the professional investigators..... 777 Nautical Miles from Kuala Lumpur in the last known heading of Flight 370 is the location.... 9 degrees 11 minutes North (911)N 90 Degrees 11 minutes East (911)E 777 Nautical Miles from Kuala Lumpur is 911North 911East

Mark Gray: If Flight 370, the Malaysian Boeing 777, shows up at this location I’m quitting my day job.
The number 777 is being shown and written over and over reguarding Flight 370. It was after all a Boeing 777.
I decided to measure 777 Nautical Miles From Kuala Lumpur to see if there were any good numbers or clues.
I followed the projected Flight Heading provided by the professional investigators…..
777 Nautical Miles from Kuala Lumpur in the last known heading of Flight 370 is the location….
9 degrees 11 minutes North (911)N
90 Degrees 11 minutes East (911)E
777 Nautical Miles from Kuala Lumpur is 911North 911East

Mark Gray: "121" is one of the Magic Numbers being shown to us concerning Malaysian Flight 370. Malaysian Flight 370 LOST all Contact at "1:21" "1:21" was Technically the last time Flt 370 communicated with Air Traffic Control. Oddly "121" is the frequency used in a Plane for Emergencies. "121" is "911" for Planes. The TV show LOST was about a Plane that disappeared into an alternate reality--- the show lasted for "121" Episodes and had it's opening night on September 22. Or 9/22. Or 9/11/11. It should be noted that "11 SQUARED" = 121 aka 11x11 =121 11:11 in New Age Circles is a Magical Time when wishes are granted and Cosmic Doorways Open. The Plane was headed to China. A Chinese Checker Board has 121 Holes. When all the marbles are on the board there are 61 empty holes that create a CUBE in the center of the board. Bizarrely.... China = 61 in Gemetria. There was an Iranian on board Malaysian Flight 370 with a stolen passport his name,  Seyed Delavar = 121 in Gemetria. He was seen in the Airport...with a "skull" on his shirt. (This man may be innocent or guilty, I am only looking at numbers and symbols) Another Famous Plane that "Disappeared" on 9/11 was Flight 93. It supposedly went down in Pennsylvania at a location called the Diamond T. Mine which is 121 in Gemetria and 322 in Gemetria. And as a side note-- the South Pacific and 121 are further connected through the "game" Cribbage---  Cribbage has 121 holes in it's board... Cribbage holds a special place among American submariners, serving as an "official" pastime. The wardroom of the oldest active submarine in the United States Pacific Fleet carries the personal cribbage board of World War II submarine commander and Medal of Honor recipient Rear Admiral Dick O'Kane on board, and upon the boat's decommissioning the board is transferred to the next oldest boat. 121-112-211-212-221-122

Mark Gray: “121″ is one of the Magic Numbers being shown to us concerning Malaysian Flight 370.
Malaysian Flight 370 LOST all Contact at “1:21″
“1:21″ was Technically the last time Flt 370 communicated with Air Traffic Control.
Oddly “121″ is the frequency used in a Plane for Emergencies.
“121″ is “911″ for Planes.
The TV show LOST was about a Plane that disappeared into an alternate reality— the show lasted for “121″ Episodes and had it’s opening night on September 22. Or 9/22. Or 9/11/11.
It should be noted that “11 SQUARED” = 121
aka 11×11 =121
11:11 in New Age Circles is a Magical Time when wishes are granted and Cosmic Doorways Open.
The Plane was headed to China.
A Chinese Checker Board has 121 Holes.
When all the marbles are on the board there are 61 empty holes that create a CUBE in the center of the board.
Bizarrely…. China = 61 in Gemetria.
There was an Iranian on board Malaysian Flight 370 with a stolen passport his name,
Seyed Delavar = 121 in Gemetria.
He was seen in the Airport…with a “skull” on his shirt.
(This man may be innocent or guilty, I am only looking at numbers and symbols)
Another Famous Plane that “Disappeared” on 9/11 was Flight 93.
It supposedly went down in Pennsylvania at a location called the Diamond T. Mine which is 121 in Gemetria and 322 in Gemetria.
And as a side note– the South Pacific and 121 are further connected through the “game” Cribbage—
Cribbage has 121 holes in it’s board…
Cribbage holds a special place among American submariners, serving as an “official” pastime. The wardroom of the oldest active submarine in the United States Pacific Fleet carries the personal cribbage board of World War II submarine commander and Medal of Honor recipient Rear Admiral Dick O’Kane on board, and upon the boat’s decommissioning the board is transferred to the next oldest boat.

Mark Gray: Connecting the coordinates of the TRIDENT UFO attack in the movie MAN OF STEEL, reveals an interesting alignment and "CROSSING" with the Prime Meridian and the Equator along with Flight 370 and Neptune. Have we been "DOUBLE CROSSED"?  If this line is shimmied ever so slightly it "CROSSES with the Voortreeker Monument in South Africa where Nelson Mandela's Funeral was held.

Mark Gray: Connecting the coordinates of the TRIDENT UFO attack in the movie MAN OF STEEL, reveals an interesting alignment and “CROSSING” with the Prime Meridian and the Equator along with Flight 370 and Neptune.
Have we been “DOUBLE CROSSED”?
If this line is shimmied ever so slightly it “CROSSES with the Voortreeker Monument in South Africa where Nelson Mandela’s Funeral was held.


Mark Gray

Mark Gray

Mark Gray:  110 is an auspicious number...... Man of Steel = 110 Adolf Hitler = 110 Osama Bin Laden = 110 There were 110 Floors in each of the Twin Towers.

Mark Gray:
110 is an auspicious number……
Man of Steel = 110
Adolf Hitler = 110
Osama Bin Laden = 110
There were 110 Floors in each of the Twin Towers.

3-8-2014: LOOK! Huge Cigar UFO Filmed Flying Over Ukraine!

UFO spotted over Ukraine

3-10-2014: Freescale Employees On Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight (they make RFID Chips)

8-27-2007: RFID Asset Tracking: Freescale Semiconductor Chooses AeroScout For Innovative Asset-Tracking Solution

Freescale Website

3-10-2014: Passport used on lost Malaysia Airlines flight traced to bizarre theft in Phuket

3-10-2014: Passenger jet passed through trajectory of N. Korean rocket, South Korea says

3-10-2014: Six important facts you’re not being told about lost Malaysia Airlines Flight 370

3-10-2014: ‘We have to find the aircraft’: Days later, no sign of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370

3-11-2014: DEVELOPING: BOEING warned of computer takeover of 777.

3-14-2014: ‘Seismic Event’ Close to Missing Jet Path: China Scientists

3-14-2014: Hackers down Russian presidential site in ‘powerful cyber-attack’

7-17-2014: Malaysia Strongly Condemns Israeli Aggression In Gaza

Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 (MH17/MAS17)[a] was a scheduled international passenger flight from Amsterdamto Kuala Lumpur that appears to have been shot down by asurface-to-air missile launched from Ukraine by pro-Russian separatists [6] [7] [8] on 17 July 2014[9][10] near Hrabove inDonetsk OblastUkraine, about 40 km (25 mi) from the Ukraine–Russia border.[11] All 283 passengers and 15 crew members on board the Boeing 777-200ERaircraft were killed.[12][13][14] The crash occurred in the conflict zone of the ongoing Donbass insurgency.

The crash, Malaysia Airlines’ deadliest ever, was the airline’s second major incident of the year; Flight 370 (9M-MRO) disappeared on 8 March en route to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur. With 298 deaths, MH17 was the deadliest aviation incident since the 11 September 2001 attacksand the deadliest-ever Boeing 777hull loss.[22]

Donetsk Oblast ( O-BLAST )is an oblast of eastern Ukraine. It is the most populated oblast with around 4.5 million residents. Its administrative center is Donetsk. Historically, the region is an important part of the Donbas region. ..

773 km773 km between Hrabove, Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine & Kiev, Kyiv city, Ukraine

10 hour and 10 minute drive

7-17-2014: A Malaysia Airlines passenger jet crashed — and was possibly shot down — in eastern Ukraine on Thursday.

Map shows intended and actual flight path of plane believed shot down in Ukraine

Map shows intended and actual flight path of plane believed shot down in Ukraine

The numerology is there, make up your own minds. Ritual? Sacrifice?

From and including: Friday, March 7, 2014 (Malaysia #370)
To and including: Thursday, July 17, 2014 (Malaysia #17)
Result: 133 days

It is 133 days from the start date to the end date, end date included

Or 4 months, 11 days including the end date

(133 days) 1+3+3= (7)

(3-7-2014) 3+7+2+0+1+4 = (17)
(7-17-2014) 7+1+7+2+0+1+4= (22)

Than we have the occult #33
and 4/11

Date has both 777 and 17 (2014 =7)

U.S. military intelligence strongly suspects a surface-to-air missile brought down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 as it flew at 33,000 feet over the war zone in eastern Ukraine


Flight 17 was operated with a Boeing 777-2H6ER,[b] serial number 28411, registration 9M-MRD. The 84th Boeing 777 produced, it first flew on 17 July 1997, exactly 17 years before the incident, and was delivered new to Malaysia Airlines on 29 July 1997. 9+2+9+1+9+9+7= (44)

via Erin Green Hicks: Facebook must be censoring this photo. I posted it yesterday and it's not on my timeline anymore. But now it is again and I will post it everyday until it's finally left up on my timeline.

via Erin Green Hicks:
Facebook must be censoring this photo. I posted it yesterday and it’s not on my timeline anymore. But now it is again and I will post it everyday until it’s finally left up on my timeline.

7-17-2014: Ukraine: *VERY GRAPHIC* MH17 crash site- charred bodies lie among burning debris

7-18-2014: Pro-Russia rebel commander suggests passengers died days before Malaysian flight


7-18-2014: Bodies rained down on Ukraine village after plane disaster

7-19-2014: Ukrainian officials accuse rebel militias of moving bodies, tampering with evidence

7-18-2014: Malaysia Plane Shot Down By Ukraine, Claims Mysterious Spanish Air Traffic Controller

777 and Other Qabalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley

7-17-2014: Next step in creating HIV-1 immunotherapy using fossil virus

7-18-2014: Malaysia Airlines Victims: Indiana Student, AIDS Workers Among Dead

Karlijn Keijzer, a 25-year-old ( 2+5= ) pursuing her doctorate in chemistry, moved to the U.S. from Amsterdam and was a member of the school’s rowing team during the 2011 season, the university said. She was on Flight 17 taking a vacation with her boyfriend.

- An Australian family is experiencing twice the heartache — having lost relatives in both Malaysia Airlines tragedies.

Kaylene Mann’s brother Rod Burrows and sister-in-law Mary Burrows were on board the disappeared Flight 370 earlier this year, and her stepdaughter was on the plane shot down over Ukraine.

7-17-2014: Netherlands in mourning after at least 154 Dutch die in Ukraine crash

“The whole of the Netherlands is in mourning,” he said. “This beautiful summer day has ended in the blackest possible way.”

Malaysia Airlines flight MH17, which was operating as a code-share flight with the Dutch flagship carrier KLM, was also carrying at least 27 (2+7= 9) Australians, 23 Malaysians, 11Indonesians, six Britons, four Germans, four Belgians, three Filipinos and one Canadian. (occult numbers 9, 11, 23 )

The 15 flight crew – two captains, two flight officers and 11 cabin crew – were all Malaysian citizens. The nationalities of a further 47 (4+7= 11) were as yet unknown.

12-18-2013: China’s Promo Pictures For Moon Rover Show Europe Being Nuked

7-18-2014: The Mystery of Flight #MH17 – Critical Questions

7-17-2014: NASA astronaut Henry “Hank” Hartsfield, who in 1984 commanded the maiden mission of the space shuttle Discovery, died on Thursday (July 17). He was 80.

Satanic Sacrifice to celebrate the 45th (4+5= 9Anniversaryof Apollo 11


From and including: Sunday, July 20, 1969
To and including: Thursday, July 17, 2014


It is 16,434 days from the start date to the end date, end date included

Or 44 years, 11 months, 28 daysincluding the end date

Armstrong became the first to step onto the lunar surface six hours later on July 21 at 02:56 UTC

After lifting off in the upper part of the Lunar Module and rejoining Collins in the Command Module, they returned to Earth and landed in the Pacific Oceanon July 24.

Apollo (AtticIonic, andHomeric GreekἈπόλλων,Apollōn (GEN Ἀπόλλωνος); Doric:ἈπέλλωνApellōn;ArcadocypriotἈπείλωνApeilōn;AeolicἌπλουνAplounLatin:Apollō) is one of the most important and complex of theOlympian deities in classical Greek and Roman religion andGreek and Roman mythology. The ideal of the kouros (a beardless, athletic youth), Apollo has been variously recognized as a god of light and the sun, truth and prophecy, healing, plague, music, poetry, and more. Apollo is the son of Zeus and Leto, and has a twin sister, the chaste huntress Artemis. Apollo is known in Greek-influencedEtruscan mythology as Apulu.

As the patron of Delphi (Pythian Apollo), Apollo was an oraculargod—the prophetic deity of theDelphic Oracle. Medicine and healing are associated with Apollo, whether through the god himself or mediated through his son Asclepius, yet Apollo was also seen as a god who could bring ill-health and deadly plague. Amongst the god’s custodial charges, Apollo became associated with dominion overcolonists, and as the patron defender of herds and flocks. As the leader of the Muses (Apollon Musegetes) and director of their choir, Apollo functioned as the patron god of music and poetry.Hermes created the lyre for him, and the instrument became a common attribute of Apollo. Hymns sung to Apollo were called paeans.

In Hellenistic times, especially during the 3rd century BCE, asApollo Helios he became identified among Greeks withHeliosTitan god of the sun, and his sister Artemis similarly equated with Selene, Titangoddess of the moon.[1] In Latin texts, on the other hand, Joseph Fontenrose declared himself unable to find any conflation of Apollo with Sol among theAugustan poets of the 1st century, not even in the conjurations ofAeneas and Latinus in Aeneid XII (161–215).[2] Apollo and Helios/Sol remained separate beings in literary and mythological texts until the 3rd century CE.

7-18-2014: Military Satellites Likely Saw Missile Strike on Malaysian Airlines Flight

7-18-2014: Separatists May Have Already Taken Jet’s Black Boxes

7-18-2014: Unverified tape released by Kiev presented as ‘proof’ E. Ukraine militia downed MH17

7-18-2014: Pope Francis marks 20th anniversary of Argentina Jewish Center bombing The bombing of the AMIA Jewish Center in Buenos Aires in 1994 killed 85 people and injured scores

7-18-2014: ‘If it disappears’: Passenger posts joke photo of flight MH17 shortly before crash

When visiting Pan’s (real surname Schilder) Facebook page the large number of shares and comments under the photo which appeared after the crash are heartrending. At the time of publication, there were almost 20,000 shares and 161 comments.

At 11:19AM (notice time: 9:11mirrored) EST a friend of Pan’s broke the news of the catastrophe with a screenshot that aroused much suspicion from people, and the situation turned frantic, which the comments reflected. People discussed details about whether Pan and Tol were indeed on that plane. It shortly became clear that the young couple were amongst the ones who perished.

MH17 Airline Was On An 88 Degree Tragectory

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