Friday, June 29, 2012

How to stop the New World Order

How to stop the New World Order

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

Just as they planned and organized their political, economic and militaristic takeover so must we organize ours. We need to spread information, boycott their banks, media and stores, form groups, create web pages, make and distribute flyers and DVDs, talk about it.

Much of the following is taken from the conclusion of the brilliant 5-hour documentary Empire of the City (Ring of Power) Part 2 Start at 2:12:00.

The things the world's 300 families fear the most are:

1. Exposure - If their crimes are revealed for all to see they will not succeed
2. Losing public support - Without our complicity they cannot succeed
3. Organized resistance - By an informed and fearless public

A list of real solutions:

1. Expose the ruling families and their generations of horrific crimes against humanity. They have gone to great lengths to hide their actions. Use word of mouth, recommend books, videos and websites. Burn and distribute DVDs, form study groups, design a web page, show films, give money, raise money, lobby, email and do anything else you can. Learn who the target is, the top being the royal families of Britain and Denmark, the international banking families and their political supporters.

2. Control your own money. Cut up credit and debit cards. Pay only with cash, money order or certified cheque. Take your money out of the stock markets, money markets, bonds, RRSPs. Trade paper money for gold, precious metals and stones and store them in a fire-proof safe or a good hiding place. Find ways to avoid paying tax, just as they do. Deprive them of the money they use to wage wars and perpetuate crimes against us.

3. Refuse to fight their wars and do not support those who help them fight their wars. This also means don't support the troops. As much as we appreciate their courage, they were duped and should get out as soon as possible.

4. Stop voting. Both candidates are sponsored by the lobby groups of the ruling families.

5. Stop obeying laws designed to disempower you.

6. Buy small and think big. Stop shopping at corporate grocery chains. Buy from small businesses and farmers markets. Become a farmer yourself, grow your own food and become self-sustainable.

7. Stop donating to charities. Most goes to administration fees. Charities are used to launder money for the rich. The WWF is one of the worst offenders.

8. Stop identifying with a flag or national anthem. Don't get starry-eyed when they play patriotic music and show fireworks. Your pride is based on their engineering of world events and their manipulation of education and media.

9. Reject false claims for privatized land, railways, health plans, resources. The ruling families have been buying up our infrastructure.

10. Name names. Focus the blame on the ruling families, not on their corporations, stockholders or figurehead corporate directors.

11. Reject propaganda. The ruling families control all major media. They program you to feel certain ways about certain things. They provide funding for organized religion worldwide. The bible tells us to be passive and not resist the coming one-world order. Christians, Muslims and Jews have all been tricked into praising their god "Amen" at the end of every prayer. The plan is to bring all religions into one. They have the resources to make the prophecies come true. When the final few pieces are in place to match the biblical story, will you submit to their antichrist?

12. Arrest the 300 for their crimes against humanity. World citizens must gather together in large numbers and make a citizen's arrest of each and every one of them.

13. Get past your fears and take action. Fear is paralyzing and the ruling powers know this. They use their media to condition us into fear and hopelessness. If 300 insane families can figure out how to take over the world, 300 sane families can figure out how to stop them.

Start organizing with people you know, people online and anyone else you can. Spread information, links and videos. Create blogs like this one and forums/blogs etc to get people talking. Burn the arrivals and other DVDs and give them away to friends, family members, strangers to distribute. If you can afford it, burn millions of DVDs and mail them to every mailbox in every country! The more people we reach the more likely we are to take control for the people for the first time in thousands of years. This is our chance to do something great! A single person's actions could be the tipping point. Any one of us could hold the fate of the mankind in our hands. Is it you?

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