Sunday, October 21, 2012

Which heart is yours???

Which heart is yours???
As-salaamu `alaykkum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh

The Messenger of Allaah said: "“In the body there is a piece of flesh which, if it is sound, the entire body will be sound, and if it is corrupt, the entire body will be corrupt. Indeed it is the heart.” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 52; Muslim, 1599).

This is a hadeeth that many of us have come across many a times, yet we have failed to reflect upon it...

Indeed the words the Messenger of Allaah are nothing but the truth

Ibn Rajab rahimahullaah mentions in his book Fath al Baari that the people are of three types:

1. The person whose body is sound and his inside is corrupt. This person is the Munaafiq
2. The person whose body is sound and his inside is sound, and this is the Mu'min
3. The person whose body is corrupt and his inside is corrupt and this is the kaafir

On the authority of Hudayfa radiAllaahu `anhu: The Messenger of Allaah said: Fitn (trials, tribulations, deviant beliefs, false whims and desires etc) will be stuck onto a person's heart like the straw mat one after the other (i.e. when a person lies on a straw mat, it sticks onto his body one after the other and this is like fitn that when it enters the heart, one fitnah after the other enters the heart). So if any heart that allows this fitn to enter, will be marked with a black dot (as although it is dissolved into the person's heart), and any heart that denies it, a white dot will be marked on his heart. Until there will be two hearts, as for the heart that denied the fitn, then this heart will will be white. As for the other heart, that allowed the fitn to enter it, it will become like charcoal so any type of good that enters will not remain (like that of a cup that is upside down and water is being put into it, and no water will stay in it), and this person is no longer able to distinguish between truth and falsehood except that which is mixed with his desires. (Muslim) (The wordings in the brackets are from my notes, also translation of the hadeeth is probably not the best)

So thus it is important that we constantly check our hearts, for indeed it changes from time to time. Indeed, there is no one present among us except that he/she has a problem with his/her heart and is trying to fix it. It should be known that our hearts are exposed to flithy diseases, which if we allow to enter our hearts, will destroy it.

Ibn Qayyim rahimahullaah said: "Man consists of the mind of an angel, the lust of an animal, and the fancy of Shaytaan. One of them will prevail. If you could overcome your fancy and lust, you will be in a rank that is higher than an angel. And if your fancy and lust beat you, you will be in a rank that is less than a dog." [Al- Fawaa'id]

So let us turn back in the remembrance of Allaah Subhaanah, as this is where the hearts find rest. Indeed it is the remembrance of Allaah that has lead to the righteous people abandoning their sleep, and thus finding sweetness in their Qiyaam, rukoo` and Sujood.

I recommend every one to watch the following video


Wa salaamu `alaykkum

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