Thursday, May 17, 2012

Let’s be patient as Allah is most patient with us.

“O ye who believe! seek help with patient perseverance and prayer; for Allah is with those who patiently persevere.”

If you were to give me a cookie every single day I was alive and I never said thank you, you would get a little upset right? You would probably stop giving me a cookie after a while, correct?
If this is not acceptable with human beings, how could this be acceptable with God?
Millions of people do this with Allah every single day and in this example I am speaking of a cookie, now let’s imagine your eye sight or hearing or breathing.

Imagine I am that person in your class who never listens, takes notes, and rarely comes but when an assignment comes up or a test, I immediately turn to you for help but then once I turn in my hmwk or test I forget about you completely until the next assignment. You would get a little anger right? You might even stop helping me.
If this is not acceptable with us, how could this be acceptable with the one that provides for every single one of us.

Millions of people do this with Allah, they use God when they need God. All of a sudden when we are going through something “epic” in our life, we turn to God but once we get the help we need, we turn away.
Allah is patient with the believers and nonbelievers, Allah does not just swipe away our eye sight when we don’t pray, look at all the people on earth who don’t pray and can see. Allah does not take away our food because we use him from time to time, Allah is patient with us. So why not be patient with Allah?
This is just common courtesy, sometime when people do not get what they want they start freaking out, why is Allah not helping me? Why is Allah not answering my duas? Here is something to look at, where you as quick to make salah, give zakat, enjoin what’s good and forbid what evil? How quickly were you to do those fard things to expect Allah to answer your duas with the snap of a finger?
Let’s be patient as Allah is most patient with us.

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